CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION - 1.1 General Overview about Kampung Tok Senik Resort :
Langkawi is the beauty island comprise a group of 104 islands lying of the north west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, about 54 kilometer from Kuala Keddah, Daarul Aman. Langkawi is a richly blessed with heritage of fabulous myth and legend, fine beach, offer sun fillet days of complete relaxation. Hotel and resort complexes are mainly based along the island west coast with few dotted around Kuah Town and many resort hotel with their characteristic to share their hospitality for all tourist in Langkawi. Many visitors seek refuge her from the heretic places if mainly cities. One of them is Kampung Tok Senik Resort, managed by Maju Holding Company, Sdn.Bhd, Kuala Lumpur .
Home is where the heart is placed. At Kampung Tok seni resort Langkawi, you At Kampung Tok Senik Resort Langkawi, you will feel nostalgic with tradition captured in time with refreshing and Bendang. It is located at lot 1577, Kawasan Mata Air, Ulu Melaka 07000 Langkawi, Kedah Daarul Aman. Kampung Tok Senik Resort is easily accessible, as it is located near the center of Langkawi with unique environment surrounded by rolling hills, gigantic trees and unique Malay-styled houses that reflect the culture, making once stay a dream destination. To langkawi International Resort and the main town Kuah is approximately 15 minutes driving away to the hotel
The Serenity of Langkawi. Its how the people called. Kampung Tok Senik was built for the Kampung lover and seeker of different culture. The resort consists of 46 hectare admist rubber trees and natural tranquity. It will offer you complete Malaysian Kampung concept where you can experience the life typical Malay Kampung.
Kampung Tok Senik has a motto “Retreat to the comfort and warmth to Malay heritage”. It surrounded by a vast paddy, the rubber plant and tropical flora and fauna.
The name of Kampung Tok Senik came from the name of person who has opened the rubber plantation, Datuk Senik.
It was officially made into effect on August 1st 1996 and it only had 8 bungalows / speciality sweet. But a few month later it is built to be Deluxe room 78 rooms, Executive room 5, rooms Family suite 5 rooms, Specialty suite 8 rooms
Based on the hotel classification, kampong tok senik resort could be classified into several categories such as:
a. Plan
Kampung Tok Senik Resort could be classified as a Continental Plan Hotel, because the price of room is included by breakfast voucher.
b. Size and Number Room
Kampung Tok Senik Resort Langkawi has 90 number of room, so it can be classified as average hotel
c. Type of Patronage
Kampung Tok Senik Resort hotel is classified into tourist hotel most of guest come for holiday and relaxation
d. Length of Stay
According to the length of guest stay, this hotel could be classified into semi-resident hotel where the guest stayed for one day until month
e. Location
According to the location, Kampung Tok Senik Resort is located around a tropical forest so it is calssified as a resort hotel
f. Star
Kampung Tok Senik Resort is a three star_hotel, according to the local government statement.
Facilities provided by kampong tok senik resort are as follows:
1. Room Types
It has 92 rooms and divided into four types, they are:
- Deluxe Room : 75 Rooms
- Executive Room : 8 Rooms
- Family suite : 8 Rooms
- Specialty suit : 8 Rooms
All rooms are specious comfortable and equipped with the following:
- Room save deposit
- Color television
- VCD and cassette player
- Mini CD (compact disk) component
- Mini Bar
- Private bathroom with cold and hot show
2. Food and Beverage
Which are available in Kampung Tok senik resort are:
- Bistro
Fine dinning restaurant that can make us relax and enjoy variety of western cuisine. It offers alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink. It used to be operation only for function requirement but now it functioned by guest order kind of drink. If the guest needs to order meals the waiter/waitress has call into warung tok mat.
- Krathong Thai Restaurant
It served Thai cuisine. It placed at oriental Village but still under control by Kampung Tok Senik Resort management. It operation from 12.00 am until 09.30 pm
- Warung Mak Minah
This restaurant is famous for our attraction about “TEH TARIK” and local savory item. Only opened if Tun Dr. Mahatir Mohammad, The ex-prime Minister of Malaysia comes in this Hotel
- Warung Tok Mat
A restaurant which is serves local delicates. It is opened at 06.00 am until 12.00 pm. This restaurant is the main restaurant for the Kampung Tok Senik Resort that is means all food and beverages hotel for rooms service or guest ordered comes from Warung Tok Mat.
3. Service Available
- Airport
- Taxi and limousine service
- Postal service and stamps
- Safe deposit boxes
- Internet
- Laundry and dry cleaning service
- Surau
- Self driver and car rental
- Royal Thai Consulate
4. Banquet and Meeting Room
Kampung Tok Senik Resort has a comfortable, quite, and elegantly furnished function rooms provide a peaceful environment for business meeting, formal banquet, dinner dance, and wedding. There is very wide choice of room layout available to suit your need
Conference room (max. capacity)
Set up
U shape
Class Room
Board Room
Meeting Room
Rumah Induk
Resource: Personnel Department of Kampung Tok senik Resort Langkawi 2009
5. Sport and Recreation
- Swimming Pool
Have a dip at the pool or simply relax by terrace. The location is near the bistro restaurant. It open at 07.00 am until 07.00 pm
- Gymnasium
The health centre is inclusive of the gym. It is opened at 07.00 am until 07.00 pm. There has a completely equipment because in their life style, health is important
- Snake Sanctuary
It is an undulating home setting to the collection of venomous and non-venomous snakes. The main attraction is snake and amphitheatre with seating for 100 people. Live performance at regularly intervals will be staged to show the characteristic of some known to man including striking copperhead racer, king cobra, and python. Visit hour 10.00 am to 06.00 pm.
1.2 The Objective of Supervised Field training Program
1.2.1 Formal Objectives
The formal objective of writing this supervised field training report is fulfill one of academy requirement as a reporting after completing the supervised field training held by Medan Tourism Academy at Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi Malaysia.
1.2.2 The Operational Objectives
Some related objectives could be mentioned by writer, such as:
- To provide high definition disciplined responsibility through real life of hotel activities
- To train student how to use all facilities available as much as possible for guest satisfaction
- To be a professional cook and highly dedicated worker
- To improve skills and knowledge about kitchen and increase self confidence and also team work
- Learning the proper way to give a best result to the guest.
1.3 Systematic of Writing Report
To describe overview about Kampung Tok Senik Resort Langkawi, facilities owned and objective of reporting writing
To describe the structural of organization chart, scope of work, work implementation, kitchen facilities and relation ship with other departments
To describe the comparison between classroom lessons and simulation practice in
To describe the writer’s impression during performing supervised field training program at Kampung Tok Senik Resort.
2.1 Organization Chart Of Main Kitchen Section At Warung Tok Mat Restaurant Langkawi Malaysia .
Kampung Tok Senik also having organization chart all of the attendent know their job descrition, the structure of main kitchen section at Warung Tok Mat Restaurant, they are:
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2.1.1 Personnel
There are persons who are responsible for kitchen Warung Tok Mat restaurant, they are:
- Executive Chef : 1 person
- Sous Chef : 1 person
- Chef De Partie : 3 person
- Cook : 4 person
2.2 Scope of Work
Kitchen is part of food and beverage department of hotel. Food and beverage department divide into 2 parts : Production and Service Part.
The writer was placed in some outlets of kitchen during the supervised field training in Kampung Tok Senik Resort Langkawi, Malaysia . Those outlets area :
a. Warung Tok Mat kitchen
Thai kitchen is responsible in making all kind of Thai food. This section also prepare for buffet lunch and A`la carte menu. The writer get a chance for two month in Warung Tok Mat Kitchen.
b. Butcher Section
Butcher is responsible for preparing all kind of meats, fish, and poultry which are used by kitchen outlets that need it. The writer has no chance to stay in – charge in this section but the writer sometimes worked in butcher for cutting chicken, meat, preparing for a`la carte and buffet
2.3 Facilities
The facilities in the kitchen is divided in two categories they are equipment sand utensils. Here are the equipments and utensil , is used in main kitchen :
1. Equipment is large size tool that difficult to remove, such as :
· Chiller : 1 unit
· Freezer : 2 unit
· Working Table : 4 unit
· Stove : 2 unit
· Bain Marie : 1 unit
· Steamer : 1 unit
· Griddle : 1 unit
2. Utensil is small size tool that easy remove, such as :
· Stock Pot : 3 unit
· Container : 5 unit
· Laddle : 4 unit
· Chinese wolk : 5 unit
· Strainer : 5 unit
· Iron spatula : 7 unit
2.4 The Work Implementation
The writer is given opportunities to practice in main kitchen for one month during supervised field training in Kampung Tok Senik Resort Langkawi, Malaysia .
The writer learn how to make Malay menu and learn working system. Operational time at kitchen in main kitchen section is split shift, wich are :
1. 07.00 am – 03.00 pm
2. 03.00 pm – 23.00 pm
3. 23.00 pm – 07.00 am.
Sometimes, during busy time, writer sets over time between the sphit shif.
Job description the writer in the split shift are ;
1. Prepare a`la carte menu prepare buffet break menu
2. Made a`la carte menu
3. Pick the things up to the store
4. prepare all items of buffets dinner.
The job description of the practical for the evening shift are
· To double checking all items prepare for buffet dinner
· To make a’la carte menu order
· To have break time 45 minutes.
Job description for night shift are
1. To make a’la carte menu order specially for room service
2. To prepare supper menu for the employess
3. To prepare breakfast buffet service.
2.5 The relationship between Main Kitchen and other Departement
- Front Office Department
Has an important relationship with Warung Tok Mat restaurant in providing the key to take the float money and in forming if there is function in there. Front office has to give some promotion to quest that comes to spend vacation with take a lunch or a dinner at Warung Tok Mat Restaurant before they have gone
- House Keeping
It is responsible of Warung Tok Mat Restaurant clean area. House keeping has the responsibility to take care about it.
- Laundry
Warung Tok Mat has cooperation with laundry it. Providing uniform and linen as a require for the operation
- Engineering
Some any kind of electrical equipment must be a break and need some repair and not direct to change. It is responsible for preparing any damage on lighting or electrical installation in Warung Tok Mat.
- Security
It is responsible for safety of Warung Tok Mat, especially at night.
- Purchasing
Has a responsible for proving all staff needed for operation in Warung Tok Mat.
3.1 Organization Aspects
In the organization aspect the writer finds several similars and differencens between theory in Medan Tourism Academy and in the Hotel .
The similars of food production management in college with kitchen department in Kampong Tok Senik Resort is an Executive chef to be head department in the kitchen.
The different in kitchen departement of hotel and college, the rule and responsibility of kitchen staff is not clear because they do the same work,in the college we do rule responsibility as the position we have,for example if
3.2 Operation Aspects
There are some similarity in SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) between Warung Tok Mat and Medan Tourism Academy , they are:
- How to use subtances although it is perishable or groceries, they use system first in first out
- The Standart Operasional Procedure of activities before, during and after the of operation between Medan Tourism Akademy and Warung Tok Mat are the same however there are some differencess, such as :
· The way how to make chicken stock. In Warung Tok Mat, chicken stock is made from whole chicken, carrot, turnip, long cabbage and celery but in Medan Tourism Academy just using chicken bone and mirepoix (onion, carrot, celery).
· The function of chicken stock in Warung Tok Mat Restaurant, to get any kind of food but in Medan Tourism Academy chicken stock just chicken menu.
· Kitchen in Warung Tok Mat Restaurant is too small and place of making product is same such as where we make salad and main course.
· While in Medan Tourism Academy it should be separately for example where we make appetizer called larder section or cold kitchen, where we make main course we called main kitchen and where we make dessert we called pastry.
4.1 Impressions
During five month supervised field training in hotel, the writer has found an experience work in the hospitality industry, and many useful things to improve skills and knowledge about kitchen. The writer also has a change to meet directly with the guest so the writer learn to handle guest complaints also to improve English conversation.
4.2 Suggestions
The writer hopes that cooperation between college and hotel should be to running well up next generation. I hope hotel will consider to recruit employee from Medan Tourism Academy .
I just want to give advice to the entire next trainer:
· Remember ourselves if we are not a staff but we are training.
· Improve your English language
· Keep smiling and believe everything is going to be right
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